Myth! Children with Autism never make eye contact.
Myth! Children with Autism cannot show affection.
Myth! All children with Autism are exactly alike.
Myth! You can tell right away if someone has Autism.
Myth! Children with Autism do not talk.
Myth! Children with Autism do not smile.
Myth! Children with Autism do not want friends.
Myth! All children with Autism can perform amazing mental feats, such as memorizing the telephone book multiplying large numbers in their heads.
Myth! Children with Autism are completely cut off from human relationships.
Autism Checklist
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental disability in the nation.
ASD is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. Autism occurs in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Recent data released in 2023 by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) shows that autism affects 1 in every 36 children nationwide, with boys being 4 times as likely to be identified with autism than girls.
Individuals with autism usually exhibit at least half of the traits listed below. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and vary in intensity:
Difficulty interacting with other children
insistence on sameness; resists changes in routine
Does not point
No real fear of dangers
Little or no eye contact
Sustained odd play
Apparent insensitivity to pain
Echolalia (repeating words or phrases in place of normal language)
Prefers to be alone; aloof manner
uneven gross/fine motor skills
may resist cuddling
Spins objects
Not responsive to verbal cues; acts as if deaf
inappropriate attachment to objects
Difficulty in expressing needs
Noticeable physical over activity or extreme under activity
tantrums; may display extreme distress for no apparent reason
unresponsive to normal teaching methods
Please note this symptom list is not a substitute for a full-scale diagnostic assessment. Consult your healthcare provider to obtain a complete diagnostic evaluation.
Autism Tree Autism Checklist Flyer
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